Movements of Backgammon

Backgammon is one of the oldest games in history. A game played at home or in a casino when under the classification of gambleing, composes of two-players racing to be the winner, either by luck or by skill a game that is a lot of fun for many.

To start the game and to start enjoying Backgammon each player has to roll the dice. Which ever player rolls the highest number on thier roll will be the first one to move. Their moves are according to what they roll.

After the player rolls the dice, the player must, if and only if possible move their checkers which have to follow the number of pips shown on each die. For example, if the first player rolls a 5 and a 2 (which noted as "5-2"). Then the player must move one-checker five points forward and another checker two points forward.

For those who accidentally move a checker may move twice as for as the two moves distinctly from one another. For example, two and then five, five and then two, but never do all eight at once.

In some cases if a player rolls the dice two at the number which so-called "double", will has the pleasure to play the die twice. The way to prevent other players from making any move then the player should move for each die twice. If the player can only move once they should play either showing the higher die or the lower but not both.

When we talk about moves in Backgammon. The so-called checker may land on any point on the board to any point occupied by the opposing team, which is called blot. If the blot had been hit and suddenly placed at the middle which divided with no sides of the playing boards. The two or more opposing checkers may never produce a checker.

There was a bar so that the checker could re-enter the play while hitting the player's home board. A roll of 3 on the 22-point plus a roll start at 1 to 24. The player counts moves of any checker especially when his checker bar has re-entered the game.

The only way for the player to start the moving is when all the player's checkers are in home board and this process is so-called "bearing off". A roll of one has a chance to bear of checker from 1 - point, a 3 from 3 - point, a 4 from 3 - point and many more. When bearing off, the player can move a lower die roll before the higher ones "which the so-called full value of the higher die.

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